On Friday, Spetember 2, we simply talked about the forming of print journalism. We went all the way back to Guttenburg creating the first printing press made of metal. I thought this was very intriguing because without his sturdy invention we might not have the proper printing techniques that we have today. The many effects of the invention of press technology would include the spread of religious beliefs throughout the continent.
This widespread invention lead to many outbreaks, some good and some bad. Guttenburg had helpfully been part of this spread so many people blamed him for this outbreak which it was partly his fault but at the same time it wasn't. Guttenburg simply want t make it easier for the public to hear and respond to the news that was happening around their communities. Another effect of the expansion of press technology sold be thewidespread expansion of literacy among humans.
I'm positive that all of my fellow classmates know how to read but back then, many people didn't know how to read except for the rather wealthy. This invention greatly led to increased literacy rates not just in one community but around the world. Overall, I am very intrigued by this topic and hope that you bloggers out there have learned a little bit about the past of the amazing invemtion known as Print Journalism!
Thanks for reading :)
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