Friday, October 14, 2016

local news source

         The news source that I am working with is the Courier Journal. I personally really like this source of media because it is the hard facts and has many characteristics that make it unique compared to other local news sources. In the courier journal, the articles are followed by other articles that are then followed by other articles. Everything seems to have a sort of flow to it which makes it easy to follow and get the most reliable news. I also like seeing the picture in front of me as a hard copy where as other sources are either on TV of through an app (which the CJ does have an app that can be easy while on the go). T he courier journal does have its downfalls like if a part of Louisville has severe weather where the delivery men can not reach their house then they won't get that issue of the Courier Journal.

          The actual facts of the Courier Journal are more abundant compared to other news sources. While comparing our amount of stories with other stations, it is very clear and obvious that the Courier Journal has the most stories and almost all of the time, these stories are relevant and can relate to a vast majority of the Louisville population.  Another reason that the Courier Journal is the most reliable to me would be the fact that it covers local, national and international stories. I know that other sources do this too but the Courier Journal has a couple more that not many people really know the full story about.

          All in all, I would recommend the Courier Journal to someone who just moved to Louisville who needed the most reliable news.

          Below is the courier journals website that is also very accessible to the public.


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